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A dense formation of red color, shaped like a mole, appears on the skin, in the subcutaneous layer or on the internal organs during the intrauterine development of the fetus or in the first weeks after birth. Hemangioma of the skin in adults cannot appear for the first time. It is always congenital in nature, it develops under the skin for a certain period of generic minipress 2mg, but under the influence of adverse factors it can begin to grow intensively and come to the surface.

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Most scientists attribute hemangioma to a congenital disease.
Causes of hemangioma in adults. The reasons for its appearance are associated with impaired intrauterine development of the vascular system, in particular, abnormal growth of vascular tissue. Small spots that appear in infancy may increase in size over time. The presence of skin hemangioma growth in adults is provoked by a number of the following factors: If an adult has a formation that looks like a hemangioma, while he had not previously noticed signs of the disease, you need to undergo a thorough diagnosis.

Signs of the disease and types of hemangiomas.
Hemangioma can be diagnosed by its characteristic features: Depending on the structure and location of localization, common types of hemangiomas are distinguished by the following features: Capillary - a soft tumor of red or dark red color with a bluish tinge and clearly defined boundaries is located on the surface of the skin. When pressed, the tumor turns pale, after which it again acquires its original shade. Cellular - a tumor consisting of angioblasts. Infants develop this type of tumor immediately after birth.

It consists of many individual lobes formed as a result of blood clotting. In most cases, this type of hemangioma is localized on the skin of the head or neck. Combined - education combines two types of hemangiomas - capillary and cavernous. Racemic - a tumor with irregularly delineated boundaries and forms, which grows preferably on the skin of the head and neck. The basis of education is twisted large vessels.
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Are you worried about something? Illness or life situation? Violation of the functioning of organs and systems located near the tumor. For example, localization of a hemangioma in the neck and germination in internal tissues can cause respiratory failure. A tumor located on the vessel wall can interfere with blood flow and lead to its blockage. Damage to the external hemangioma. Frequent injury to the tumor (tearing or scratching) leads to minor bleeding. Also, if the upper layer of the hemangioma is damaged, there is a high risk of infection entering the wound, which, with weakened immunity and certain diseases (for example, diabetes mellitus), begins to progress rapidly.

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Cutaneous hemangiomas - should it be treated or not? This process leads to a decrease in coagulability, and with even a slight traumatic effect on other tissues, the body does not have enough strength to fight the infection. Emotional discomfort. It occurs mainly in women with the growth of hemangiomas in prominent places (for example, the face, neck, hands). Hemangioma must be treated if its growth carries the risk of complications, and the doctor does not see contraindications that relate to chronic diseases or pathologies.logical processes that develop in the body.
Treatment of skin hemangioma in adults is carried out by surgical intervention using invasive and non-invasive methods. Depending on the indications, the tumor can be removed in one of the following ways: Laser destruction is a non-invasive method in which the nutrition and growth of the tumor is stopped by a high-energy pulse. Sclerotherapy is an injection method in which a special drug is injected into the formation, which has a gluing effect on overgrown vessels. The technique is used in cases where hemangiomas are located on the skin in close proximity to the eyes and in other places where the use of a laser is contraindicated.

Cryodestruction is the removal of a tumor by exposing it to liquid nitrogen.
Electrocoagulation is a method of cauterization of a hemangioma with an electric high-frequency current. After the operation, a dry crust forms at the location of the tumor, which must be treated with antiseptics.
After healing, it disappears and a slightly pink scar forms on the skin, which eventually acquires the same shade as the skin. Excision of hemangioma - is carried out in cases where the formation has grown deep into the internal tissues. The tumor is excised with a certain amount of nearby tissues and sent for histological examination to confirm the nature of its origin. After the operation, a scar remains at the site of excision of the hemangioma.

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The method of treatment of prazosin should be determined by the doctor.
The use of folk remedies without agreement with him is unacceptable, as it can lead to unpleasant consequences - intensive tumor growth, burns, bleeding.
The development of hemangioma in children.
A characteristic sign of a hemangioma is a change in its size. There are three stages in the development of hemangioma:

It is quite difficult to predict how actively the hemangioma will increase in size. Sometimes the tumor grows even a few centimeters a week. It is reliably known that in premature infants, hemangiomas grow much faster than in full-term ones. Hemangiomas actively grow in the first months of a baby's life. When a child reaches six months of age, the growth of the neoplasm slows down. This stage is called the period of growth arrest and it lasts for several years.

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It is difficult to predict the further development of hemangioma. Often there is a reverse development (regression) of the neoplasm. The brightness of the spot gradually decreases, white areas are visible on it. After six to eight months, the hemangioma is already pale pink and smooth. By the third or fourth year of a child's life, only a depigmentation area on the skin reminds of the neoplasm. It should be noted that regression is possible only in the case of simple hemangiomas. Cavernous and combined hemangiomas never regress.
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Hemangiomas are most often localized on the skin, but can also occur in the internal organs. There are such types of hemangiomas: Hemangiomas have their favorite places. Most often they occur in the face, scalp, neck, mouth, hands. Much less often - on the external genitalia, legs. In the structure of all hemangiomas, simple hemangiomas make up approximately 95%. A simple hemangioma is a layer of small, tightly fitting capillary vessels. Sometimes the vessels are collected in lobules. The lumen of the vessels is filled with blood. Simple hemangiomas are localized on the skin and do not penetrate into the subcutaneous fat. The surface of capillary hemangiomas may be flat or nodular-tuberous.
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A simple hemangioma looks like a raised red spot on the skin, which can be of various sizes. If you press on the edge of the spot, you can see how it gradually turns pale. This is due to the clamping of the vessel and the expulsion of blood from it. But as soon as you let go of the skin, the spot immediately turns red. The spot has clear edges and is delimited from the surrounding healthy tissue. There may be one or more of these neoplasms on the skin. Cavernous (cavernous) hemangiomas.
Cavernous hemangioma consists of many cavities separated by partitions. This type of prazosin is located in the subcutaneous tissue. Cavernous hemangiomas account for about 3% of all hemangiomas. Outwardly, a cavernous hemangioma looks like a volumetric formation that rises noticeably above the skin. The surface of the formation is rough. Skin with cavernous hemangioma is not changed. But under the skin, a tumor-like formation of a bluish color is visualized. To the touch it is soft-elastic consistency. If you press on it, the tumor decreases somewhat. But soon he regains his former form again. It is characteristic that when straining, crying, and even, the tumor briefly increases in size due to blood flow to it.
Mixed called such hemangiomas, which are combined with other neoplasms, such as lymphangioma, lipoma. Such hemangiomas are very rare, in approximately 0.6% of all cases of hemangiomas. Color, texture, appearance of the tumor will bedepend on the tissues that make up the neoplasm. Combined hemangiomas.
In the structure of all hemangiomas, combined hemangiomas account for only 2%, but at the same time they represent the greatest difficulty in treatment. Combined hemangiomas have supracutaneous and subcutaneous parts. External manifestations will depend on which of the components of the hemangioma prevails: capillary or cavernous.